Lista favorite
Autumn Bulbs



25.00 lei
JUB Holland
Ranunculus Mix
25.00 lei
JUB Holland
Ranunculus Yellow
25.00 lei
JUB Holland
Ranunculus White
25.00 lei
JUB Holland
Ranunculus Orange
25.00 lei
30.00 lei
JUB Holland
Leucojum Aestivum
30.00 lei
30.00 lei
JUB Holland
Hyacinthus Woodstock
30.00 lei
JUB Holland
Hyacinthus Pink Pearl
30.00 lei
JUB Holland
Hyacinthus Mixed
30.00 lei
JUB Holland
Hyacinthus Jan Bos
30.00 lei

Autumn bulbs

Plants that bloom in spring are planted in autumn and last through the frosty winter. To germinate next spring, they really need low winter temperatures. Once planted, the bulbs can remain in the ground, bloom every year and even multiply.

Examples of plants that bloom in spring: tulips, crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths, snowdrops
