Sweet Pepper Loran
Medium-early hybrid with ornamental and very tasty fruit. The fruits are thick-walled, blocky, large, weighing 190 grams, purple, orange to red when ripe. Suitable for growing on balconies, in greenhouses, give good harvest in summer when grown outdoors. Plants need supports. Plant 1–2 seeds in peat substrate cups, in the depth of 0.5–1.5cm. Optimal temperature for seed germination is +22-25 ºC. It is important to avoid temperature and humidity fluctuations during germination. Seedlings grow in 60-80 days, depending on the growing conditions. Seedlings can be transplanted into unheated greenhouses when the air temperature does not fall below 13 ºC. The most preferred temperature is +20-28 ºC. Harvested until the autumn frosts.